I need to get a good score on the DAT to get into dental school. I should’ve not been procrastinating this much because then I would’ve already taken the DAT, I would know my score, and if it wasn’t a good one then I could’ve retaken it already. Then applying to dental school wouldn’t be a waste! Argghh
So I need to quit the procrastination, get my shit together, and stop whining about it already.
I do think that part of my procrastination is that I am setting myself up for failure. What in my college social pysch classes we called something but I already forget. don’t you hate that, you used to know something but now you forget? Well if I had just taken the DAT when I knew all this then I wouldn’t have to re-learn it all. Ugh.
Well I guess I’ll go clean my room, and then maybe get around to studying.
A cure I've found to procrastinating...tips from the Positivity blog