Sunday, July 12, 2009

30 days of Jillian Michaels- Day 2

Day 2

Today I did the No More Trouble Zones DVD. This was the first time I've done this DVD, it was nice to do a brand new workout. This is formatted like the one I did yesterday, 7 circuits. This was a little more strength training than Cardio. A lot more lunges & squats...ouch my knees!!!

Once again, I felt like just quitting about 20 minutes in, but I pushed through and finished it. I think thats probably the point where I always want to quit, at 20 minutes. Hmm...

I already feel a sense of accomplishment having worked out today. In the other realm of my life right now, studying for the DAT, where I'm not feeling accomplished, so at least in one aspect, I'm doing okay!

So after blogging yesterday and setting up this goal for myself, I took some cheezy pics of myself in the mirror (arg, read my blog about my pet peeve about mirror pics...). However, I am saving these pictures as motivation. Kind of like when you are looking through a magazine and think "I want to look like that", but in this case, its " I don't want to look like that". I think having those pictures of me as a starting point will also be nice to look back on. Yuck though, I look at it and thing "omg, do I really look like that" :-/

So more motivation besides just looking good naked/in a bikini:
  • I want to fit into my ski clothes next time I go skiing. Those bibs are getting tight! haha
  • Picking out clothes & going out will be so much more fun, then I wont get the spirialing feeling of shittyness when I'm going out. The whole "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
  • I want to feel attractive and tight and lean. I love that feeling right after you've worked out, or when you feel sore the next day...ahh love it.
  • I always live for tomorrow, and say "oh i'll do that once I lost weight". Well Tomorrow is TODAY!
Many more reasons including just being healthy, but just those are top of my mind today.

1 comment:

  1. ahh i love it! keep going keep going!! move those legs!! do i sound like an 80s aerobic instructor yet??
