Saturday, July 11, 2009

30 days of Jillian Michaels- Day 1

This is a HUGE ambition that I am setting out to do. I'm going to workout with Jillian Michaels (via her DVDs, obvi) for 30 days. I have done her DVDs before and I know they are hard, and a great workout. When I first bought the 30 day shred, I did it 5 x in one week, and lost 3 pounds, but then I faded off. I just think, if I had only kept going, I'd probably have reached my "happy weight" by now. (My happy weight/goal weight is 115-120, about 20 pounds less than I am now).

So what I'm going to do:
  • Do a workout with Jillian EVERYDAY, for 30 days
  • Blog about it
Day 1: Saturday July 11,2009
Weight: 136
Workout: Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD
Wow. I'm feeling good after finishing that DVD. I did the WHOLE THING! (I've done it previously; first I only did 3 circuits, then 4, then 5, but today i worked up to doing the whole thing, I'm proud of myself). I realize that like she says, you have to push yourself to get your body to change. I know that if I want the results she is promising, I'm going to have to keep up my HR during these DVDs. What I love, and whats going to help me, is that throughout the workouts she says things like "Don't phone it in" and "You should be begging for death by now" or "Don't quit on me now". AHhh, I love her saying that, its exactly the PUSH I need.

So, I know this is going to be hard for me. First of all, I cant remember the last time I worked out more than 3 days consecutively, let along blogged for more than 3 days consecutively.

Another reason why it will be hard is because I know myself, and I set out big goals for myself, but then never follow through.

Why this time is going to be different? I'm keeping it simple! I'm going to try and keep it as simple as 1)work out 2)blog after it afterwards (and if not a whole entry, atleast just write down that I excercised). I'm not going to try and combine it with planning out my meals, or also try and workout exactly the same time each day, or make it too complicated. Making it too complicated has let me to failure in the past.

I'm going to keep my eye on the prize. Just 30 days (now only 29 since I've already worked out today!) This is just my first goal. I'm not worrried about how much weight I lose, or increasing my flexibility, toning up. The bottom line: I'm forcing myself to work out for 30 days. Why? Because I need to get myself to realize that I can do it. I think the big first step for me is just getting into the habit of working out.

How do you eat an elephant? By taking one bite at a time. Yes, I have bigger and more holistic goals for myself, but this is just the first step!

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