Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Real World

Gripe #1: Work

I guess I should celebrate that I am now officially in the working world, and that I still have another 40 or so years to go!

With that being said, I realize I have so much to learn, and I totally did not think I would be where I am today. A year ago, before graduating college, I would've thought I'd be much further, have had a lot more $ in the bank, and a lot more respect from others, and more knowledge of the workplace.

So I guess the lesson that I learned it that life moves a little slower than you thought it would, and I should probably embrace it. I mean I'm still feeling like time is flying, and that "holy crap how is it April 2009 already!?" However, I'm not getting as much done in the small amount of time I gave myself. Another lesson, don't cram too much for yourself into short amounts of time, it just won't all get done, and it will just stress you out.

Quote I recently heard and liked: "Having expectations are just pre-meditated disappointments" (credit to my friend's mother in AA)

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