Sunday, April 12, 2009

Self-Induced ADD

I think that I have self-induced ADD. If it isn't already in the DSM, I'm adding it, we shall call it SIADD.

Seriously though, I really would find it hard to believe if I'm the only person who suffers from this.

Definition/ Symptoms:
Having good intentions of working really hard (at whatever studying/ reading/ project, etc needs to be done). Sitting down to get work done. Being pumped at doing a good job, getting started. Then 2 minutes later feeling completely exhausted.

I think this started (or atleast I noticed it) spring '08 semester at Elon. I really noticed it when I was working on my psychology senior seminar project. I had to write this gigantic paper and give a presentation on it. The due date kept creeping closer and closer. I had ample time to work on it, but for some reason I just couldn't get it done. It was ridiculous. So then I'd distract myself by cleaning my room, taking a shower, getting all my materials organized. Then finally sit down at my desk, and almost just stare and my work and get nothing accomplished.

I'm not attention deficit, or as it is typcially known as, because I can pay attention to cleaning my room for hours on end, I can work on sudoku puzzles for hours on end, I can even sit through class without getting distracted.

But for some reason, I can't get important shit down!

Now I'm having the same problem preparing for the DAT.

I realize the imesnse importance of preparing for the DAT. Maybe that is why I am having a hard time "buckling down" and studying for it. Maybe it is just my coping mechanism.

It doesn't make sense though. I stress about how much I have not yet studied for it, and yet when I get the time to, I don't. You would think that I would just study when I got the chance because that would lessen my stress.

I'm trying to learn that there is no sense in worrying. In this case, dont worry, but spend that worrying energy in studying. Then, you have studied, and you won't need to worry!

UGh, well I'm going to now go to the bathroom, floss, make my bed, then probably blog somemore instead of studying.

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